
Looking for help to grow? You're in the right place. Achieve more in days than you have in months.
That's the power of Inspiration Space®.



Looking for help to grow? You're in the right place.

Achieve more in days than you can in months
at Inspiration Space®.


 Expert support for bold moves. No fluff. No gurus. Just results.

We work with mission-driven Founders and "Companies of One" who want to kick their business into high gear. 

Expert support for bold moves. No fluff. No gurus. Just results.

As seen in...

As seen in...

We work with mission-driven Founders and "Companies of One" who want to kick their business into high gear.

We lighten the mental load. You risk less and earn more. 

What People Say

"Inspiration Space is different
to all the other sh*t that's out there."

- Maisie Nicholls, Founder

We believe in the power of entrepreneurship.
But business is f*cking tough. We can help you grow.


Inspiration Space breathes new life into old ways of working.

But, you won't find "cookie-cutter" solutions here.

We're out-of-the-box thinkers with a wealth of expertise.

Avoid common mistakes and replicate the wins with our blend
of strategic advice, mentorship, and coaching.

Think of us as your business sherpas, guiding you through challenges
with cutting-edge insights to carve your niche.

We're obsessed with your success.

With Inspiration Space, extraordinary results are within reach.

Want to learn more? Let's chat →

Big Love, Liana Fricker, Founder & Inspirer-in-Chief

We believe in the power of entrepreneurship.

But business is f*cking tough.


Inspiration Space breathes new life into old ways of working. 

But, you won't find "cookie-cutter" solutions here.

We're out-of-the-box thinkers with a wealth of expertise.

Avoid common mistakes and replicate the wins with our blend
of strategic advice, mentorship, and coaching.

Think of us as your business sherpas, guiding you through challenges with cutting-edge insights to carve your niche.

We're obsessed with your success.

Extraordinary results are within reach with Inspiration Space.

Want to learn more?

Book a call  ☎️ 

Big Love, Liana Fricker, Founder & Inspirer-in-Chief

Work With Us

Strategic Support for Mission-Driven Founders & Fledgling CEO's


Whether you're building in Bristol, going solo in Barcelona, expanding in Farnham, or scaling in the UAE, go further faster with our expert coaching, strategic programs, and community-powered membership.

Learn More

Work With Us

Strategic Support for
Mission-Driven Founders & Fledgling CEO's


Whether you're building in Bristol, going solo in Barcelona, expanding in Farnham, or scaling in the UAE, go further faster with our expert coaching, strategic programs, and community-powered membership.

Learn More

Growth Accelerator

Tailored support for financial clarity, and sustainable growth. Learn more  →

Mindset Mastery

Stop procrastination in it's tracks. Perfect for founders with ADHD. Learn more  →

Founder Coaching

Transform challenges into opportunities with targeted expertise. Apply  →

What People Say

"We achieved more in half a day than we have with other coaches in a month."

- Russ Avery, CEO, Avery & Brown

What People Say

"We achieved more in half a day than we have with other coaches in a month."

- Russ Avery, CEO, Avery & Brown

Meet the Team 

Inspiration Space is created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.
Our team brings a wealth of experience to turbocharge your journey to success. 

Want to elevate and fly? Let's chat.

Speak to an Advisor

Liana Fricker, Founder & Coach


Liana, a PR and Marketing expert, founded Inspiration Space for creative startups and solo entrepreneurs.

She's propelled over 100 startups since 2020 with 7,000+ hours of Founder Coaching, peer support, and strategic consultancy. That's why we call her the "Inspirer-in-Chief."

Nigel Scarfe,  Non-Exec & Coach


Nigel, with experience as CEO and director in both PLCs and private sectors, has owned, run, and sold a business successfully.

He offers clear, jargon-free mentoring and problem-solving, using his past mistakes and successes to provide CEO mentorship, valuable insights and solutions.

Meet the Team 

Inspiration Space is created by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs.
Our team brings a wealth of experience to turbocharge your journey to success. 

Want to elevate and fly?

Let's chat.

Liana Fricker

Founder & Coach


Liana, a PR and Marketing expert, founded Inspiration Space for creative startups and solo entrepreneurs.

She's propelled over 100 startups since 2020 with 7,000+ hours of Founder Coaching, peer support, and strategic consultancy.

That's why we call her the "Inspirer-in-Chief."

Nigel Scarfe

Non-Exec & Coach


Nigel, with experience as CEO and director in both PLCs and private sectors, has owned, run, and sold a business successfully. He offers clear, jargon-free mentoring and problem-solving, using his past mistakes and successes to provide CEO mentorship, valuable insights and solutions.

Speak to an Advisor

Who we've worked with...

What do entrepreneurship and Everest have
in common? Only the reckless try it alone.


Look, we get it. Business coaching feels like navigating a sea of gimmicks, but it doesn't mean going it solo is the answer.

At Inspiration Space, we ditch the one-size-fits-all frameworks for tailored advice, personalisation, and mental fitness training, for faster results - on your terms.


Want to experience the difference for yourself? Let's chat. 

Book a Call

What do entrepreneurship and Everest have in common?

Only the reckless try it alone.


Look, we get it. Business coaching feels like navigating a sea of gimmicks, but it doesn't mean going it solo is the answer.

At Inspiration Space, we ditch the one-size-fits-all frameworks for tailored advice, personalisation, and mental fitness training, for faster results - on your terms.

For every £1 our clients invest, they earn £7 in profitable growth.


Want to experience the difference for yourself?

Let's chat. 

Book a Call

Stories of Success 

Inspiration Space is where Founders and "Companies of One" turn their visions into reality.
Some are startups, others are more established. But all our members seek belonging, expert guidance, and a community that feels like home.

Stories of Success 

Inspiration Space is where Founders and "Companies of One" turn their visions into reality.

Some are startups, others are more established.

But all our members seek belonging, expert guidance, and a community that feels like home.

What's New

Become Bulletproof with Mindset Mastery


Want to reduce the overwhelm of entrepreneurship x ADHD?
Check out our new mindset mastery experience in BrainGym.

Say goodbye to procrastination and 'hello' to ease and flow.


Learn more

What's New

Become Bulletproof with Mindset Mastery


Want to reduce the overwhelm of entrepreneurship x ADHD?
Check out our new mindset mastery experience in BrainGym.

Say goodbye to procrastination and 'hello' to ease and flow.

Learn More


Unfinished Business 


Stories from creative trailblazers who share the secrets
to starting a company - and keeping it alive.

Listen in now


Unfinished Business 


Stories from creative trailblazers who share the secrets to starting a company - and keeping it alive.

Listen in Now

Get The Good News 

In a world awash with information, distinguishing between fleeting fads and transformative trends is more challenging than ever. Sign-up for "The Good News" - your monthly compass in the chaos. 

Get The Good News 

In a world awash with information, distinguishing between fleeting fads and transformative trends is more challenging than ever.

Sign-up for "The Good News" - your monthly compass in the chaos. 

Inspiration Space® provides expert support for bold moves. Go further faster with us.

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