
10 Tools We Can't Live Without...

bootstrapping reccomendations tools Nov 22, 2023

Forget the tech jargon and complicated manuals.

We're all about finding those gems that make life a bit easier, right?!  

Want to find the right clients smarter and faster?

Looking to spruce up your LinkedIn?

Maybe you're like me and get lost in the weeds resizing/repurposing content across all your platforms?

Or perhaps, it's time to get your sustainability plans down on paper without tripping over the jargon or the cost of enterprise tools.

Welp, I've got you covered with simple solutions for a busy world.

Keep reading for a list of ten tools that I use to make my work life smoother and my online presence a bit more 'wow' 🤩.

P.S. Some links below are affiliates, meaning we get a bit of commission if you buy through them. We only share things we use and love, so you're in good hands 🫶.



Prelo: Find new clients with precision

Created by Olu Adedeji after a challenging leap from banking to entrepreneurship, Prelo emerged from the lessons of an initial failure: bootstrapped Founders can't rest on their laurels.

It's all about revenue, revenue, revenue.

Prelo harnesses data science to unveil hidden growth opportunities for small businesses and startups.

It smartly identifies potential clients who not only align with your work but also have the necessary budget.

With insights into startups that have recently raised funds, are hiring, and their LinkedIn activities, Prelo ensures your prospecting is laser-focused.

Plus, Prelo's AI-powered writing aid crafts effective cold-outreach emails and direct messages, tailored to key decision-makers.

By eliminating guesswork, Prelo empowers you to concentrate on the right contacts, integrating seamlessly into your CRM for efficient prospecting.



Taplio: The LinkedIn Fairy godmother


Taplio isn't just a tool; it's a creative powerhouse.

Think auto-pilot for eye-catching posts and carousels, a chat assistant to refine your ideas, and a treasure trove of over 5 million viral posts for endless inspiration.

I collaborate closely with the talented team at Blazon to make sure the Inspiration Space LinkedIn channel really resonates.

With Taplio, I'm able to amplify Blazon's strategies, sharing more ideas and engaging with like-minded people in the comments.

And it doesn't just amplify your voice; Taplio provides valuable insights into your content's performance, guiding you to connect with even more like-minded professionals.

I use it alongside Prelo's precision targeting, to consistently nurture and grow my network. Big thanks to Lucy Woolfenden, for this stellar recommendation 🫡



Latte.Social: Video repurposing made easy


Latte Social makes it easy peasy to transform your long videos into short, catchy clips that grab attention.

It’s a huge time-saver when you want to change the aspect ratio for videos so you can re-purpose them for social media.

Plus, with AI-powered capabilities, Latte Social crafts brilliant captions suitable for platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

Super easy to use - literally just upload the video or post a YouTube link.

Latte Social gets you ever closer to an automated content production and distribution line - at a cost 30 times cheaper than hiring a video editor on Fiverr.



Descript: Edit your audio/video like a pro


Descript transforms the editing of podcasts and videos into a seamless, user-friendly experience.

With Descript, everything is just easier and smarter.

The interface is so intuitive, you'll feel like a pro in no time.

It uses cutting-edge AI to transcribe imported files, allowing direct editing of spoken words in a document-style editor.

Easily rearrange segments or chop bits out - no editing skills are necessary.

Imagine editing audio and video as easily as tweaking a Word document.

Descript makes your audio sound top-notch, wiping away all that unwanted noise in the background.

It's a game-changer for podcasts – creating a clear, crisp sound that keeps your listeners hooked.

Overdub is a bit of magic that clones your voice – handy for fixing those little oopsies in your recording or for voice-only videos.

Definitely not as creepy as it sounds.

Having recently acquired SquadCast, Descript is a one-stop shop for all your podcast editing needs.


Blinkist: Bitesize brain boosts for busy bees


Blinkist is a gem for those of us who are always on the go.

Ideal for anyone who's time-starved or struggles to comprehend the gist with only words on a page (yup, talking to you, fellow founders with ADHD).

It's been a total game-changer for so many Inspiration Space founders.

No more staring at that stack of unread books with a guilty conscience.

Especially with self-help and business books, which let's be honest, can waffle on a bit, Blinkist cuts straight to the chase.

Get to the nitty-gritty of nonfiction bestsellers in minutes, not hours.

There are loads of curated book lists by experts and personalised recommendations.

With Blinkist, learning new stuff every day is doable and, dare I say, fun.

Plug: don’t miss the 'Inspiring Space Bitesize Book Club' list 😉


Famewall: A social proof genius


Famewall makes gathering and showing off customer love – be it videos, texts, or straight from social media – a breeze.

Whether it's sharing kind words for your courses, services, or digital goodies, Famewall sorts it.

Pop your testimonials onto different 'walls', and hey presto, they're on your website in a jiffy – no skills required or coding headaches.

Got your testimonials scattered across Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, App Stores?

No sweat. Famewall brings them all together. Simply import what you've already got in a few clicks.

Your customers can drop a video or write a few words in a snap, and you can have it up on your wall in no time.

And the cherry on top? Famewall makes it a 'no brainer' to embed social proof everywhere.

Flaunt those testimonials in newsletters or social media with a quick link.


Sage Earth: Carbon tracking in three clicks


Sage Earth makes measuring, managing and reducing your carbon footprint a walk in the park.

This nifty tool links up with Xero, Quickbooks, and Sage, turning your accounting data into a clear picture of your carbon impact.

Three clicks and you're in the know about your business's carbon footprint.

With a visual view of your Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, Sage Earth helps you go beyond measuring.

Identify areas where you can save money by reducing your carbon footprint.

The dashboard dishes out all the data you need for those audit-ready emission reports, making you look good in front of shareholders, customers, and your team.

Honestly, you'll wonder why you didn't start sooner.


Small99 Hero: Climate action planning sorted


Small99 Hero makes net zero a breeze for micro-SMEs and startups.

Like having a sustainability coach in your pocket, Small99 Hero offers a step-by-step plan to shrink your carbon footprint, complete with a sustainability policy.

No more head-scratching over how to be more eco-friendly – this tool's got you covered.

Building a sustainability policy can sound daunting, right? Not with Small99 Hero.

It crafts one for you as you tick off actions from your personalised to-do list.

Just pop in your business details and voilà – you get a list of easy, industry-specific actions without heaps of research.

Make progress without the overwhelm and use the widget to show off your journey with pride.

Plug: Pair it with Carbon Literacy Training, and you're all set to navigate the climate risks and opportunities in your biz.

Net zero your business? It's never been easier 😉


Bannerbear: Visuals without the headache


Bannerbear is the answer to your social media design prayers.

It's like having a design team in your pocket but without the hefty price tag.

Wave goodbye to endless hours tweaking marketing graphics.

Think of Bannerbear as your branding butler. It steps in to auto-generate top-notch visuals for social media, e-commerce banners, and more – all on autopilot.

You can whip up branded templates with layers, custom fonts, logos – the works.

Bannerbear also adjusts the size of titles or product names automatically, so everything looks just right.

A heads-up though: if coding and APIs aren't your cup of tea, get some help setting it up.

We're big fans of Tech Tonic Studio – the investment pays off big time.


SparkToro: A crystal ball for content marketing


SparkToro helps you uncover all the juicy data you need to skyrocket your content marketing ROI. The result? Hopefully, relevant content to attract new clients.

Created by the team behind behind iconic SEO tool, Moz, SparkToro uses data science to get to the heart of what influences your audience via who they follow, what they read, watch, and listen to.

No more throwing things at the wall to see what sticks.

SparkToro doesn't just give you data; it gives you direction, showing you precisely where to zoom in with your marketing efforts.

SparkToro gives you a map of your audience's world.

You'll know what they're chatting about and the best places to catch their attention.

A top tip: to really make the most of it, consider getting some help to set it up.

Again, we teamed up with Jayne Carmichael-Norrie from Tech Tonic Studio.

Her SparkToro setup and analyses helped to ORGANICALLY boost the reach of our Instagram channel to over 25,000 impressions in just a month.


Now, over to you!

What are your go-to tools for smoothing out your workflow, making sustainability a breeze, or boosting your content game?

I'm keen to hear your favourites. Let's swap tips in the comments 👇

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