
Climate Crisis Hits Home: Freixenet Furloughs 80% of Workforce

carbon literacy climate risk news sustainability trends Apr 24, 2024

Freixenet, the Spanish-German cava producer renowned for its unique black glass bottles of sparkling wine, is set to furlough 80% of its workforce in Catalonia due to climate change.

A prolonged drought, lasting over three years, has significantly impacted grape production in the region.

The company announced this week that the temporary layoffs, affecting up to 615 of its 778 Catalonia-based employees, will commence in May.

Freixenet stated that this decision is a responsible measure to ensure business continuity and job preservation in the face of external factors and the severe drought.


Why It Matters

The situation at Freixenet serves as a stark reminder of how climate change can impact businesses directly, disrupting supply chains and affecting workforce stability. Last summer, we told you how climate change had reduced the supply of grapes that make prosecco. 

The situation at Freixenet underscores the need for adaptability and the importance of understanding how climate change impacts your business. From retailers to marketers, everyone must anticipate and mitigate the effects of environmental changes on their operations.


Source: Emma Pinchbeck, CEO, EnergyUK


Your Next Step

Consider how you can help other businesses navigate similar challenges. Offering services that focus on sustainability strategies, crisis management, or supply chain resilience can be invaluable.

If you're already carbon literate, start by researching industries most affected by climate change and developing targeted solutions or communication strategies that address these challenges.

Additionally, assess your own business practices to ensure they are as resilient and sustainable as possible.

Upskilling in carbon literacy doesn't require a University-level course or PhD. Carbon Literacy training is the perfect for place for passionate beginners who want to get up to speed in a day.  


Need Inspiration?

Look to companies and organisations like Coldplay, that have successfully pivoted or adapted in response to environmental challenges. Learn more about the climate crisis and the history of climate change.


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