
Round Up: What's New in Sustainability This Week

carbon literacy news sustainability May 19, 2023

Welcome to our sharp and succinct digest aimed at bringing you the latest in sustainability, a hot-topic that continues to define our global business landscape. Let's jump in!


EU Bans Popular Greenwashing Terms

In a bold move against greenwashing, the European Parliament has voted for new legislation that will ban the use of labels like 'carbon neutral', 'environmentally friendly', 'natural', 'biodegradable' and 'eco' unless substantiated by solid, science-based evidence. Learn more...


The UK Government Moves to Prohibit Carbon Offset Claims in Advertisements

ASA's upcoming regulations will tighten control on "carbon neutral," "net zero," & "nature positive" claims, aiming to combat #greenwashing.

With buyer purchasing heavily influenced by climate claims, this transparency could illuminate an industry often shrouded in confusion. Learn more..


Just launched: ecolibrium's Green Travel Guide for Festivals & Events

Packed with fresh insights, case studies, future trends, it guides festival organisers on measuring travel impacts, reducing environmental footprint and advice on how to accelerate change. Learn more...


Fundraising? Expect Mandatory ESG Disclosures in the EU

EU regulations, pressure from LPs (Limited Partners), consumers and talent are pushing VCs to report on ESG.

While mostly seen for those raising Series-B and above, downstream consequences mean those raising pre-seed or seed should expect to see ESG clauses in term sheets as they become a mandatory part of DD (Due Diligence). Curious about ESG clauses? Check out Sifted's VC clause collection.



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